GPT-4 was released in March 2023 and now people are waiting for the announcements of the release date of GPT-5. As per various speculations GPT-5 might be released in 2024.
Highly popular language generative model, GPT-4 was released in March 2023 globally. The OpenAI team worked hard, trained the GPT-4 model with a large dataset and released it this year in March. GPT-4 is the most popular OpenAI's Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) language model, which is very popular among the business for using it in their business applications.
GPT-4 is the most talked model and is the lifeblood of ChatGPT. In this year we have seen the heavy use of this model in various applications. Now, ChatGPT is very popular among the users for many applications like text generation, question answering, customer support, AI assistant etc.. The popularity of ChatGPT has increased very fast and there are many use cases of this.
Developers, General users and Enterprises are very excited about the release of the next generation GPT-5 next year. All fans of ChatGPT are very excited and looking forward to hearing about the features of GPT-5. There is no official statement about this yet, but as per various speculations, GPT-5 might be released in 2024.
GPT-5 is expected to come with the fast model and more intelligence. Let's see what will be included in the GPT-5 when released.
Will GPT-5 Be Released?
As per the reports OpenAI is already planning or possibly working on the GTP-5, so, we can say that GPT-5 will definitely be released possibly in 2024 or after that. The actual release date will depend on Govt. Agency approval.
Earlier OpenAI released GPT-3.5 as an intermediate model between 3 and 4. Similarly, OpenAI might release GPT-4.5 before the actual launch of GPT-5. OpenAI is reserved about disclosing the information about the model before actual launch. So, mostly we won't be able to know the official features of GPT-5 before launch. Company might start releasing its features just before the launch of the GPT-5 model.
As per a few reports, OpenAI is already working on the training of the GPT-5 model and anticipated release date is early 2024.
When will the GPT-5 be released?
As per various reports, GPT-5 is under development and expected to be released somewhere in 2014. But still there is no official word on the release of GPT-5 by OpenAI. GTP-5 will be a huge model with extra intelligence and expected to do a lot of work for the enterprises. Many companies are already working on the various Generated AI technologies for development of innovative products for the organisations.
According to the CEO's clarification, GTP-5 wasn't already in training. But based on OpenAI's history in the past, we can say that the GTP-5 model could already be in development, data collection and training stages. Developers at OpenAI might be finalising the architecture of the model and running the training/test phases.
We don't know the current state of the GTP-5 development, but the company might be working on this model. The work on this model could be underway at high speed. Soon once something is finalised by the Company, they may release some information in public.
There is big competition between ChatGPT and Google's Bard AI services. As of now Google's Bard is behind ChatGPT and trying to chase ChatGPT. We will see huge competition between Google's Bard, ChatGPT and Microsoft Bing AI in coming months/years. In the year 2024 we will see more advancements in these AI models. To meet the market competitions OpenAI will definitely release GTP-5 in early 2024 or something in 2024. These models will come with a very high intelligence and will be able to solve many enterprise problems.
What is the possible release date for GPT-5?
We have seen the time taken by the company for GTP-4 model training and release in 2023, it is still possible for OpenAI to release the GTP-5 in early or late 2024. Company will be able to fine-tune this model in this timeframe. So, it is very possible for OpenAI to release a new feature-rich GTP-5 model in 2024.
OpenAI is also working on improving GTP-4 and previous models. Company seems very fast and working on the tight schedule for its model releases. Before the actual release of GTP-5, the company will also work with the improvement on the GTP-4 model.
For the developers working on generative AI, there might be new use cases and other AI based application development projects in 2024. So, if you are an ML developer then you should learn generative AI application development and integration.
What could be the features of GTP-5?
OpenAI is very restrictive in terms of providing the information on its AI models before launch. Company might start providing features of GTP-5 just before the launch of the product in public. GTP-5 will definitely be a big model trained using large datasets. So, GTP-5 is expected to come with exceptional intelligence. These features will further increase the usability of the model in the enterprise applications.
GTP-5 is expected to come with the improved language and vision model. This means this model will be able to work on the text data and pictures data in a much better way. As of now GTP-4 lacks the vision features and is not much useful with the images data set.
But the current release of Google's Bard comes with both language and vision models. So, Google Bard is ahead of GTP-4 on the image dataset due to its capability of understanding the images.
So, GTP-5 will be released by the company with the improved text and vision model in 2024, which will enable the model to be in competition in the market. In 2024 there will be huge competition in generative AI technologies. GPT-5 is expected to come with the sound understanding feature also and this will be the most awaited feature in the GPT-5. So, the developers will be able to use sound as input for their applications backed with GPT-5.
Due to all these features GPT-5 will be able to process text, image, videos and sound data. The GPT-5 model will be a huge model with lots of intelligence needed to develop modern day AI applications for enterprise and general public.